,并链接对应的库文件。,mysql -h 主机名 -P 端口号 -u 用户名 -p,
``,,输入密码后即可连接到MySQL数据库。c,#include,#include,#include,,#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 256,,void read_ini(const char *filename) {, FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");, if (!file) {, perror("Failed to open file");, return;, },, char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];, while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) {, // Remove newline character, line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = '\0';,, // Skip comments and empty lines, if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\0') {, continue;, },, // Parse key=value pairs, char *key = strtok(line, "=");, char *value = strtok(NULL, "=");,, if (key && value) {, printf("Key: %s, Value: %s\n", key, value);, }, },, fclose(file);,},,int main() {, read_ini("config.ini");, return 0;,},
`,# This is a comment,key1=value1,key2=value2,
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